Oral Exam Question 1
This question has 3 stems. You will be given the written stem with the audio file below it for the first stem. The 2nd and 3rd stem will have audio only. This mimics the actual exam. You will have a total of 12 minutes to respond to the entire question.
I would like your responses to the question sent to me by email in 3 audio (WAV or MP3) files, one for each stem. I will send you your specific code (3 letters) and please use the file name format of oe1s1_XXX.MP3 (oe=oralexam..1=question 1...s1=stem 1...XXX=your code). I don't care what file format you use. MP3 is compressed so less data. WAV files are very common.
I will assess each response sequentially but I will stop at 12 minutes. Feedback will be provided by email. hopefully within a week.